Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Delay?

I'm still not doing a good job of getting the words out. Now we have to wait a bit longer because my laptop died...again. For the second time in less than a year, the hard drive in the Toshiba has crashed & burned. The danged laptop isn't even 3-years-old!! The good news about is that I get my new laptop, a MacBook, sometime this week. Just in time since school starts back for me on Tuesday. I really want to share about Pope's Creek and subsequent, but want to share with the pictures. Can't do that when they're just as dead on the Toshiba (at least it was backed up onto an external hard drive only about a week before it crashed so we didn't lose anything!).

Thanks for the well-wishes (Corbie), the concerned emails, and all the thoughts! Mary, you're a goofball! Thanks for being a great "big sis" and wife to my wonderful brother!

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