Monday, December 21, 2009

And The Fire Danger Is...

I couldn't help but take this shot at the beginning of the month. It was a whopping 2 degrees outside with 8 inches of snow on the ground. I started laughing.
Here's your sign!


Claudia said...

Ha! Guess it was too cold to make the trek out to change the sign...

Denise said...

I thought about being a goob and making it "extreme," but I figured it'd be my luck to have a park ranger or deputy drive by at that exact moment. Still, "moderate" at that moment was pretty funny to me!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

That is classic! I wonder how often they change those signs!!

Denise said...

During the summer they're changed daily. During the winter? Uhhh, well....
It IS classic, though, isn't it?

Buzybugs said...

Hmm, interesting... Maybe the sign is frozen..