Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jump, jump, jump

When I was Luke's age, my family made the trek to Northern California to visit my grandparents and great-grandmother. For whatever unknown reason, I remember the trip. I remember Grandma Nettie and all the cuddles she gave me. I remember my big brother and I putting on an adult man's undershirt (though I can't remember if it was one of dad's, or grandpa's) and gallavanting through the house.

It was for that reason when I saw Luke in one of Jeff's undershirts last night that I broke out the camera. I realize that just about every kid does this same thing, but the memories it struck in my mind were worth recording this goofy moment.

Luke is sometimes hard to get a still picture of. He is a huge ham and has to play around for the camera. Such was the case last night. I did finally get that still shot of him, though. After that, I got all the jumps I could manage with how hard I was laughing. He's such a happy kid.

I wish I had the camera with me yesterday afternoon, though. It was our typical day to go ride, which I held to despite feeling bad. I am pleased to report that I had two fantastic rides and that Luke didn't seem horribly displeased that he didn't get to ride. I think he was just tired and ready for a car nap. He had to wait a little longer, though.

He was juuuuust about asleep when we were buzzed by the graceful gazelle we all know as an F-16. I love these planes. Just adore them! I know they're not the beast we originally fell in love with in our household (F-105's), but the 16's are what I remember the most, greatly enjoy watching, and just get chills watching maneuver. Anyway, I saw the five of them flying, but had to let out that childlike whoop and laugh when the car shook as one swooped over Highway 50 and buzzed the traffic. Luke heard it, of course (who couldn't???), realized I was all excited, and started laughing.

Again, despite my discomfort, I pulled off the highway and parked in a ranch driveway to expose my child to the joys of fighter planes appearing, then roaring away at many hundreds of miles per hour. He loved it! I had my phone's camera, but you can't really capture something that gracefully fast with it. Nor could I accurately capture my son's thrill over this. Seriously, though, fighter pilots have got to have the funnest and coolest job in the world!

The 16's buzzed us five or six more times, then headed back to Peterson. The thrill over for us, we got back on the road and headed for home. I think Luke was asleep before I hit 3rd gear. A couple of Chinook helicoptors flew over this morning. I've definitely corrupted my child. I hope he remembers the day of the buzz, but he's still happy to run outside and watch as even choppers pass by our home.

Now it's time for another adventure. It's very late morning, but I need to go get dressed. This time the camera will be with us. We're off to do some hiking.....

1 comment:

Corbie said...

I've said it before and I will say it again - my kids really need to come live at your house. Adorable pics!