There are certain times during the semester that I become a writing fool. I can handle it since I do love to write, but it takes time away from the recreational aspect of the outlet for me. Especially since the majority of what I write involves a great deal of reading, research, and figuring out what information I am actually going to use in the space allotted papers that deal with typically very past events. Not always the easiest of tasks, as was the case this semester. I chose to write on Sir William Wallace, who gained most of his American notoriety when Mel Gibson took his role in the film Braveheart. Talk about a tough man to find reliable information on! But the work paid off as I somehow managed to use every inch of space I was allowed and gained a 98 on the paper. Relief!
Mid-November also brings about a little bit of a frenzied time preparing for the Holiday Season. While it is only the three of us hanging out at the house this year, it does take a little planning. It seems like there's often a business trip planned around this time, we tend to get sick more often, and meals take more planning. Luke can't seem to shake cold, after cold, after cold. I actually managed to take the full-fledged Norovirus on this year (vs. past years when I was the one who grabbed the mild version) and decided to become friendly with the porcelain bowl and bathroom floor. The nice thing about it was that I didn't have to worry about the Thanksgiving calories! Jeff has managed to just get a few sniffles, so far. I guess we can't complain, really. It beats our usual "illnesses!"
As with all good things, it is time for me to refocus on my approaching finals. While I don't expect to have this blog be quite so quiet through this time, I do need to get through these final assignments and tests. So I now return to studying through the rest of the evening.....
glad to know you are still alive! Hope to hear from you after finals.
I so feel your feelings of 'neglect'. I love to blog but sometimes it is the the thing that has to go in order to keep my life functioning. And then I feel guilty for not blogging (to whom I feel guilty, I have no clue...myself? my computer? the writing Gods?). Anyhow, good luck on your school stuff and I'll keep watching for your posts :)
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