Monday, September 21, 2009

The Last Day of.....Summer??

Oh, how I love living in a place that's unpredictable! Today, September 21, 2009, is the last day of summer. Autumn actually begins around 5:18am tomorrow, but you'd think we were starting winter today!
I climbed out of bed around 6:30am and it was only slightly cloudy. It was also much warmer than I expected, but I was well aware that would be changing very, very quickly. I set about getting myself ready for classes.
By the time Luke and I were leaving the house at 8:30am it had completely clouded over and was starting to rain. Considering my child gets mad when it's not raining and he thinks it should be, his mood largely brightened by this sight. He still wanted to see ponies instead of his sitter, but he wasn't quite as grumpy about it. And the temperature had dropped a good 10 degrees from my waking.
I had dressed us both in preparation of a cold day, but Luke fared far better than I did. I about froze my bum off walking from my vehicle to my first building! Imagine my surprise at finding that first class was cancelled, and I was back outside. I went to the College Center building and promptly bought another sweatshirt to layer more. Much better!
My second class was held, so that was a nice thing...a good review for our test on Wednesday. I was misbehaving and keeping Twitter up during this time and saw all the reports of heavy snow. Not in the High Country, though it was heavy and shut roads down there, but in Denver and Colorado Springs! Then it was back out to the car. Guess what?
On September 21, 2009, the last day of summer, Pueblo, Colorado had big, wet snowflakes mixed in with the rain!! And it was a whopping 36 degrees! That was about 40 degrees colder than yesterday!
Eventually the clouds broke and the rain/snow mix stopped falling. I could see the Wet Mountains out my front window. Completely white all the way down to the valley floor! I hope to grab some shots in the morning, adding in Pikes Peak. I know the mountains were expecting at least 6 inches, so I'm sure the Peak managed a couple of feet. I can't wait to see it!
While I'm sad to say goodbye to summer, I do look forward to my planning months for next summer. On top of that, Luke loves snow, so I'm happy to see some this early.....


tristanjh said...

So you can't wear flip-flops anymore? That sucks. And the reason you are freezing is because you are so skinny :)

Claudia said...

No lie, if I hadn't just read this post, I totally would have missed that fall starts tomorrow. It will be cooler here tomorrow, but today we played in the pool, threw water balloons, and had a picnic for dinner. Honestly, I think I would relish a little snow - just so I could wear shoes :-)

Denise said...

Well, the flip-flops and bare feet have been put away for about a week, anyway. Lost the toenails from that one big climb. Yuck! But I'm okay with it for now. Ready for winter! ...well, sort of.. :)

Buzybugs said...

Ha Ha Ha, you have snow, yes it has been unpredictable where your at- not that I have room to talk- that's how it is here in Utah as well.. I cannot believe Fall is here 2morrow, for some reason the Fall and Spring make me want to clean out the junk... not sure why.

Denise said...

Oh, I remember the unpredictability in Utah! Don't worry!

Corbie said...

I love that Luke loves the rain - a boy after my own heart!