Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What a pleasant surprise to have a power cord in my mailbox this afternoon! As such, I start back to blogging with a highly controversial subject: Guantanamo Bay.

I'm sure by now everyone has heard that President Obama has signed the order to shut down the detainee center at Gitmo within the year. Okay, not what I personally think is the wisest of choices, but I'm not the one in charge. But the questions over the coming days revolved around what would happen to the detainees. Would they just be released? Would they be moved elsewhere? If so, where? A few days ago we all received our answer: the detainees will be moved.

I admit, I haven't seen the list of possible places, but one place that is high on the list (and a likely move for the majority of detainees) is the Supermax Federal Prison here in Florence. That is about 25 miles due West of me. Yippee.

Now, I don't mind living this close to a maximum security prison. I don't even mind knowing who some of the prisoners are (notorious killers, bombers, and even a convicted terrorist). I know it's underfunded (shock) and that local officials are somewhat concerned about safety, but I'm also aware that this is not the only maximum security prison with those problems. It's a little concerning, but still not something to actually worry about.

What I do mind is the fact this administration, followed by the masses of the media, has announced to the world where these detainees are going to be going. THAT makes this prison a huge target and puts a good number of innocent lives on the line. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

It is also a slap in the face of sorts. There are so many of my veteran brothers and sisters, along with those who are still serving, who worked so hard to bring these people in and guard our nation. That is all I have to say on that.

So, I am trying to watch the developments of this particular subject very closely. It's not always easy, but I think it is a little bit vital. I hate to see my family and friends put into danger.....

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