Yesterday was a day I had been anxiously awaiting. Believe me when I say it did not disappoint! You see, John McCain and Sarah Palin held a rally in Colorado Springs. At the old airport. I received my email invitation even before Gov. Palin was introduced as the running mate, and I made my reservations. I was nearly beside myself when the announcement was made that it would definitely be the two candidates attending.
The problem we ran into was that I was unable to go pick up my tickets until late last week. I was already in Colorado Springs and almost to the RNC Headquarters office when I heard on the radio that the tickets were gone. Not to worry, though, if you'd already reserved them because you'd be able to pick them up at the rally. Undeterred, tired from a long week at school, and not very pleased to have made a special trip and be turned around, I went on to the office. I was going to at least get a couple of stickers.
I was given the word that I was to report to Will Call, give my name, pick up my tickets, and all was fine. Cool, no problem...I completely understand when things are found to be a much bigger hit than expected (hence the reason I reserved my tickets immediately). I grabbed a couple of "Veterans For McCain" stickers and made my way to a nearby park so Luke could enjoy the sunshine for a few minutes. Then we came home. (it was a long night, but that's another story)
Yesterday was great! I love political rallies. They're truly a blast. This particular one, with the approximately 15,000 person crowd, didn't disappoint. I was a little torqued when I arrived, though. I initially thought I'd get us up there around 8am, later decided being closer to 9am would be alright. The amount of people there already was a sight to behold....I just couldn't manage to get a picture because I was needing to pay attention to driving. Still, it only took a matter of moments to get in, get parked, and get on my way to Will Call. Here's where the problem lay.
I got to the tent, which was RIGHT at the entrance gates to security, picked up my tickets, and was told "okay, time for you to get in line." I looked around and said "THIS line??" "Yup, the line." They didn't appreciate my gripe that this particular part was not well organized. You park, walk about a half mile to Will Call, get your tickets, then backtrack to the end of what is now about a mile long line? How stupid! Seriously, it ticked me off. I was physically able to handle it, though an umbrella stroller loaded with a 2-yr old and diaper bag across portions of dirt was difficult. What bothered me was the amount of people there who were obviously pregnant, overweight, elderly, and those who may have had health problems not deemed enough for a handicap designation. Apparently I wasn't the only person a little steamed over this issue.
I am pleased to report that the line did move very quickly. Jeff and I attended a rally for President Bush in Pittsburgh during the 2004 campaign season. There were only about 300-400 people there (smaller venue, less tickets, etc), but it took close to 4 hours in the line. This particular one had three times the amount of people, and distance, but I was inside and past security at just over an hour. Not bad! Remember, by the time I reached the end of the line after picking up tickets, the line was, indeed, over a mile long.
There were a few protesters there. They behaved and were within their Constitutional rights (peaceable), so they were okay. The one group dressed in wolf costumes and had a member dressed as the pageant queen "Miss Global Warming." They had a reason that I admire, but I don't agree with their particular politics. They didn't bug me. The other group? Well, they said they were "wholesome" people from the Springs, they had jobs, they love America, they don't want to leave and speak French. Well, fine, but their signs were dogging the military. One sign said "POW FRAUD!" That one set me off. I happened to be right near the guy speaking way up, the one who commented on speaking French. I REALLY restrained myself strictly because Luke was with me and I didn't want to take a chance on endangering him. I did, however, say (rather loudly) that they WOULD be speaking French if it weren't for the military. Extremely weak, but true if you go back into history far enough. Still, it was enough for those who heard me to start clapping. I found out later that a friend had earlier jumped in this guy's face with "Waterboard, waterboard!! Whatever it takes!" after some belligerent statements on torture. Ray apparently really scared the guy. Given the things coming out of his mouth, I'm not surprised Ray got that angry.
Once inside and past the bomb dog, Secret Service search and wanding of me, my boy, the stroller, and diaper bag, I proceeded to catch up with a couple of friends (mentioned above). Inside the hanger is where the stage was set, but it was already so crowded that there was no reason to even bother. They had already settled themselves closer to the tarmac, right on the fenceline in front of the campaign's two planes. That was fine by me!! We had some room to move, Luke was able to play a bit, and we had the prime seats in the house. Maybe not so much for the speeches, but we also knew they were flying out immediately from the rally to New Mexico.
About 30 minutes before the candidates arrived from their fundraiser breakfast, the organizers passed out American flags. Apparently, a worker at Invesco Field found these flags, bagged up and set next to a dumpster after the Democratic Convention. They had been there for over a week with nobody coming to claim them (and nobody daring to actually throw them away). This worker knew the rally was upcoming, so he offered the flags to the Republican Party. NOW the DNC is saying the flags were "stolen," and that the RNC is just trying to stir up trouble. I have actually heard a local news personality who was at the DNC Convention state they saw the flags in black trash bags looking like they were to be tossed out, too. Some local Boy Scout troops have said the same thing. Maybe the flags were taken without "proper authorization," but I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing. So, anyway, we are now the proud owners of two controversial American flags, but they won't be finding their way to a trash can. Ever.
During the speeches, we were unable to hear a thing. Occasional words came through...sort of, but we just responded with the rest of the crowd. The chants of "Turn It UP," and "We Can't Hear" started, and I had to laugh. They probably thought we were protesters. It was weird. We heard everything before the candidates started speaking, we heard everything immediately after. The consensus was that the system was sabotaged. Don't worry, it was a joke. Nobody knows what happened, but it was okay.
It was time for the candidates to make the rounds and hop on the plane. I'm really surprised! I thought Senator McCain was taller! He's shorter than I am! For those who are unaware, I am 5' 6" tall....he must be closer to 5'4". He was being hurried by the Secret Service, but was happy to shake each and every hand he could. Mrs. McCain was able to take a little more time. She shook my hand, then reached up to Luke (who was on my shoulders) and patted his knee, giving him that familiar motherly smile (moms know the one I am speaking of). She was making sure she let all the children know she recognized they were there. I thought that was classy.
Governor Palin also surprised me! Again, I thought she was closer to my height and build. She is about the same size in structure, but she's tiny! She reminded me of my dear friend, Ann, who is about 5 feet tall and 90 pounds soaking wet.....but in heels. She's probably about 5'2"....and just a genuine lady. She was taking time to sign things for people, take pictures with them, and let people know she truly appreciated them. The friends I was there with, Ray and Kathleen, are hockey parents. Both were wearing retired jerseys from their son's team. Kathleen took hers off and held it for Gov. Palin to see. She immediately took notice, started in for a closer look, and Kathleen said "I'm a hockey mom!" Those who know what the woman's squeal of recognition is can hear now in their head the exchange between these two. Gov. Palin's face lit up, she gave this great big smile, and a big hug to Kathleen (much to the chagrin of the Secret Service...for obvious reason). Then she said "I HAVE to sign this for you!" I don't even know where the sharpie appeared from, but she signed Austin's retired jersey, said something private to Kathleen, reached up to Luke, and went on her way.
All said and done, the three made their way to the plane. There was the cursory wave at the door, some giggles and a big kiss blown from Gov. Palin to the crowd. Mrs. McCain waved again from where she sat near a window. It was only moments later that the plane started its taxi. They took off right in front of us with the crowd waving those controversial flags for them to see. We waited while the second plane (carrying media and staffers) finished loading and took off. We stayed a few more minutes while talking and exchanging email addresses with others we met through the day. Then the four of us trudged back to our vehicles.
The line of cars waiting to exit was typical. I, however, was familiar with the road since I had scoped it out two days earlier, so I scooted out over a curb (with security watching and not caring...they even waved when I did!), went South, and was out of the airport grounds area in a matter of minutes. It actually took me longer to get through the construction zone at the freeway on ramp than it did to exit airport property! I'm amused by that fact.
It was an energizing day. I was tired, Luke slept all the way home and even went to bed early, and Jeff was actually disappointed he had to work the night and couldn't join us. The election is, of course, not over until the votes are tallied, but I am certainly feeling more confident about the whole gamut than I did a week ago.
I have pictures. I have a TON of pictures, but I will post them later. Just a few to embellish the blog. Oh, and in case anyone is interested, I am obviously voting for the Republican Presidential ticket. I am, however, only encouraging others to vote. Each person needs to make their own decision based on their own research. So, please, don't think I am pushing a direction, or that I'll be offended if you want to question mine. Just be sure to exercise your right in November and get out there to vote!