Saturday, May 3, 2008

134th Run for the Roses

Just a quick blurb to say HAPPY DERBY DAY! Enjoy it! Drink a mint julep (you CAN get them without alcohol, don't worry), belt out "My Old Kentucky Home," and, ladies, don't forget your hat!

I almost bought the perfect Derby hat the other day. Even Luke liked it! He doesn't give a big giggle and clap his hands when he's not thrilled with something I do, but this hat evoked a great reaction. Considering we're here in Colorado and not traveling to Louisville this year (I promised him I'd take him when he's old enough), I left the hat at the store. When I came home and checked post positions online, I saw there was a slideshow of hats for this year. Guess what? The hat I almost bought was among the favorites!! How funny....


1 comment:

Claudia said...

When you buy the hat, we expect to see pictures!!!!