Saturday, May 24, 2008

7 Things About Luke

I've been tagged, via reading a friend's blog, to list seven things about my beautiful boy. Here goes:

1. He shocked everyone, except for his daddy and me, with his size at birth. Both midwives were sure he'd be right at 7 pounds...he was 8 lbs 8.5 oz. The nurses couldn't believe the size of his feet. He completely skipped newborn shoes & socks!

2. He's got this wicked sense of humor. Already. At not even 2-years old. Seriously, he cracks everyone up. And he loves it.

3. He took a very long time to make his appearance into this world, but he definitely goes through the day at the speed of light. He loves to take everything in and hates to miss a moment. I think that's why he rarely naps.

4. He adores animals. Cats are his favorite, by far, but all animals are wonderful to him. He sits in the window and talks to the birds, he rushes to the ponies to hug them and pet their noses, he tries to figure out how to get in with the animals at the zoo (thank goodness that doesn't happen!), he tries to pet fish through the glass, he even waves and says "hi" to the cows, horses, antelope, deer, elk...whatever he sees out the window when we're driving somewhere. Dogs are the ones that make him laugh, though.

5. He loves to dance. The type of music doesn't matter. Put on something classical, he does this cute little slow dance. Put on bluegrass, he bounces around. Put on rock, he starts spinning. As long as music is on, he's happy to show his moves.

6. He thinks water is awesome and has been in swimming lessons since he was 10 months old.

7. He loves his books. Each day he brings one (or more) to me and doesn't budge until we've read it through a couple of times.

Time for me to tag everyone who reads this one! Tell me seven things about your children!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Thank you for the fun facts about your boy. What an exuberant little guy! We hope to meet him sometime.