Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What A Big Needle You Have!

Luke and I have had a busy few days. There are 2 mares thinking about foaling at the barn. One is actually due...overdue, really. The other is a visiting lady who is not only gorgeous and as sweet as can be, but shaping up early. She won't be viable for another 8 days or so, and she's not in the due date range for another 3 weeks. Luke thinks this is wonderful and feeds these two mares as many treats as he can get his hands on. The resident mare gobbles them up as fast as she can, the visiting mare is worried she'll get his fingers and is extremely gentle. That usually results in him throwing the treats at her feet, but she's still happy to get them. Amazing mare is quite aware she's about 500 times larger than he is (seriously, she's a BIG mare).

My dear, sweet childhood friend, Chelsea, was in town yesterday. Okay, so "in town" was actually Denver, but it's not like a 2 hour drive is that big of a deal. We had a ball getting our two kids together! It was also wonderful to meet her fantastic and funny husband. Chelsea and I had a great time catching up. It was just a little too short. Pictures of the day will be posted as soon as I can get them downloaded from the camera.

Today was my breast biopsy. Fitting that the Good Lord decided to dump rain on us today. I love it. Woke to the sound and smell of that life-giving sweetness and knew it was going to be a great day. It was really wonderful. Jeff was supposed to go with me and keep an eye on Luke, but he was actually chosen as a juror yesterday after reporting for his first ever summons. So...while he was able to see us for a few minutes at the hospital while he was at lunch, I didn't have anyone to watch our boy. Thank goodness for a great radiology tech who kept him occupied!

I've not been nervous for today. Anxious, but not nervous. It was actually a fascinating procedure that I didn't feel at all, which surprised me because I usually still have a fair amount of feeling when given a local anesthetic. I didn't feel a thing! I laughed when I saw the size of the was huge! Not so much in length, but in gauge. I saw it and could only think that there must be some who actually faint when they see it. Good thing I'm not afraid of needles, but even I was grateful that I was actually numb. I did figure I'd be feeling it later on, and am sure I'll be bruised beyond belief, but it's still worth it. Despite the common consensus, myself included, that this is benign. You just need to be 100% sure.

I've got a ridiculously high pain tolerance. This is definitely the worst I've felt since birthing Luke. It's a great warm-up for my double (maybe triple) surgery later this year. But I have to admit, this still isn't bad. Massive needle and all.

Now off to bed....let's hope I can tolerate enough to sleep!

1 comment:

Buzybugs said...

It sounds like you have been through SO much! What is going on with you? Your in my prayers and I am sorry for all you have been enduring. Please let me know if I can do anything.

I read your post and the biopsy thing scared me- let me know your ok.