Saturday, May 10, 2008


I can't believe Maybelline hasn't had her foal! She's still not physically ready, but dang if she's been holding that thing in there for a very long time.

Luke is getting very frustrated at the weather. He's not alone. Outside is where we all want to be, but he doesn't understand why one day he's out and playing like a maniac while sweating in shorts and a t-shirt and the next he's stuck inside and having to be in sweats because it's cold. Then there's the subject of the wind. We've joked about it during the past 2 years, but this has definitely proven to be the worst spring we've experienced with the stuff. It's getting I'm a little afraid of what it's going to be like up on Pikes Peak in a couple of weeks (not like we can get up to any of the other 14'ers, or even the lower peaks because of the wind!)....

On the plus side, we have our first hummingbird in Colorado! Just the one, but it's the first since we moved here. He's brought along a single oriole, too. My horned lark pair came back this spring, as well. There are a few new birds that I haven't identified, yet, but I love seeing them flock to the yard. The quail should be accompanied by many babies soon, and the bunnies are loving the fact the birds are sharing their berries.

Just a silly and short blip. I've got some pictures to post tomorrow of Luke at the Denver zoo, Luke and Jeff attempting to fly a kite today (it was so windy that the kite kept crashing from being blown into the ground!), and maybe the lawn out back. Right now I'm aching for my bed. I am going to go find it and crawl in....

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